Women’s Concert Attire
Lower half
All concerts:
Full length black skirt, slacks or dress
Black close-toed shoes, black socks or stockings
Spring Concert:
Black top, modest neckline, 3/4 or full length sleeves
Summer Concert:
Summer solid color blouse modest neckline, 3/4 or full length sleeves
Winter Concert:
Black top, modest neckline, 3/4 or full length sleeves
Holiday Accessories:
May add Festive scarves, ties, jewelry.
Men’s Concert Attire
Spring concert
Black tuxedo (preferred) or black suit, white shirt, Black bow tie
Black dress shoes and socks
Summer Concert:
Black slacks
Switch out white tux shirt for summer colored long sleeved, collared shirt
Holiday Concert
Black tuxedo (preferred) or black suit, white shirt, colored ties, festive pocket squares, scarves
Black dress shoes and black socks.
Caroling attire (men & women)
Outside: Holiday sweaters, Santa hats or other, red or green scarves. Jeans or snow pants.
Inside: For more formal occasions (Messiah, “Tree of Memories”, Advent service) Holiday sweaters with black pants
FOR ALL CONCERTS (and rehearsals)
No fragrance please; some of us are allergic and can’t breathe, much less sing, if we are near your fragrance products.